Electronics: Vocabulary

  1. 3. Units that voltage is measured in
  2. 5. SI unit of electrical resistance
  3. 7. Multiple paths for electricity to flow through
  4. 8. Only one path for electricity to flow through
  5. 10. An electrical component/portion of a circuit that consumes electrical power
  6. 12. Energy stored in charged particles within an electric field
  7. 13. Presence & flow of electric charges
  8. 16. The ability to do work
  9. 17. Measure of how much of the work put into a machine is changed into useful work put out by the machine
  10. 18. An object is moved through a distance in the same direction as the applied force; measured in watts
  1. 1. Potential difference between two points in a circuit
  2. 2. Closed path through which electrical charges flow
  3. 4. Basic unit of electrical current
  4. 5. Voltage = (current in amps) x (resistance in ohms)
  5. 6. Production of voltage across a conductor
  6. 9. Allows flow of electrical charge
  7. 11. Tendency of a material to oppose electrical charges
  8. 14. A flow of electric charge
  9. 15. The rate at which work is done; measured in watts