Element 7- Education and Early Years

  1. 4. What type of transition is it when children can be prepared for it?
  2. 5. Who's language theory included the sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations and formal operations stages?
  3. 7. What is it called when a baby looks at their parent to help them respond?
  4. 8. What is it called when a baby starts to cry when their parent leaves the room?
  5. 10. What type of transition is it when children can feel stressed and worried as they are unsure on what is happening?
  6. 13. Who suggested babies make a bond with one person typically the mother?
  7. 14. What type of language is it when you are using vocabulary, words and sentences to express meaning?
  8. 15. Who came up with the theory babies face privation and deprivation based on the quality of their attachment?
  1. 1. What type of language is it when you are listening and understanding to what has been said?
  2. 2. What is the stage called where a baby develops a secure attachment to a 'special person'?
  3. 3. Who came up with the theory that babies react more to the quality of attachment than the length of time from an attachment?
  4. 6. Who came up with the Language Acquisition Device?
  5. 9. Who created the strange situation experiment?
  6. 11. Who discovered the Language Acquisition Support System?
  7. 12. Who's theory involved children having inner speech and external speech?