Elementary Math

  1. 2. Is there someone in my building that can help me with math questions?
  2. 5. Is there someone at the DO that I can contact for further support in Math?
  3. 8. What other supplements are available to help teachers prepare students for the SBAC?
  4. 10. What is our current core math program for grades K-5?
  5. 11. What tests are being created for 5th and 6th grades to help inform teachers about student needs in math?
  1. 1. What tool are we hoping to utilize for some of the benchmarks in the Winter and Spring?
  2. 3. At what stage of development are the CFAs for grades K through 4?
  3. 4. What tool will be utilized this year to track student progress over the course of the year?
  4. 6. What math components are now optional in kindergarten and first grades?
  5. 7. What is our district curriculum in math?
  6. 9. Where do I find completed CFAs for my grade level?
  7. 11. What is our current core math program for 6th grade?