Elements and the Periodic Table

  1. 3. / Negatively charged subatomic particles
  2. 6. / Metals have a shiny __________
  3. 8. / The most reactive metals are
  4. 11. / The number of protons plus the number of neutrons
  5. 16. / How is today's periodic table arranged?
  6. 19. / Nonmetals have a ______ luster
  7. 20. / The number of protons minus the number of electrons
  8. 22. / Very bottom row of the periodic table
  9. 23. / Columns on the periodic table are called
  10. 27. / Ability to be bent or shaped
  11. 28. / Matter made of only one kind of atom is called an
  12. 30. / Nonmetals are good ________ because they don't allow energy to pass through them easily
  13. 33. / Metals are good __________ because they allow energy to pass through them
  14. 35. / Atom that has an electric charge due to unequal numbers of protons and electrons
  15. 36. / The building blocks of matter
  16. 37. / The only metal that is not a solid at room temperature
  17. 38. / Matter that is the same throughout and has a specific composition
  18. 40. / Element with a mass number of 25 with 13 neutrons
  19. 41. / Found between metals and nonmetals on the periodic table
  20. 43. / 24 elements are manmade, or _________
  21. 44. / Element that makes up 78% of air
  22. 45. / Best metals for building with
  1. 1. / Who created the first periodic table?
  2. 2. / Positively charged subatomic particles
  3. 4. / Most of the atom is __________ _________
  4. 5. / The average mass of all the isotopes of an element
  5. 7. / Low density element that is used to make balloons float
  6. 9. / Most reactive metal element
  7. 10. / Most abundant element in the universe
  8. 12. / Nonmetals are on the _________ side of the periodic table
  9. 13. / Center of the atom where protons and neutrons are found
  10. 14. / Element with a negative charge and 18 electrons
  11. 15. / Nonmetals that are inert
  12. 17. / Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons
  13. 18. / Ability to be drawn into wire
  14. 21. / Nonmetals that are only found as compounds in nature
  15. 24. / Rows on the periodic table are called
  16. 25. / Surrounds the nucleus
  17. 26. / Group two elements are
  18. 29. / Neutral atomic particles
  19. 31. / Metals are on the ____ side of the periodic table
  20. 32. / Who arranged the periodic table by atomic number?
  21. 34. / Material that conducts electricity at high temperature but not at low temperature
  22. 39. / How was the first periodic table arranged?
  23. 42. / Element with 8 protons