Elements in the Periodic Table

  1. 2. Greenish yellow gas and can be used as bleaching agent
  2. 4. Is named after Wilhelm Roentgen, physicist
  3. 5. This element also known as the "nitric acid generator"
  4. 9. In the Periodic Table, the vertical row is called?
  5. 12. Name of the Russian chemist who proposed the Periodic Table
  6. 13. Can be used as an antiseptic (prevent injuries from bacterial infection)
  7. 14. In cell respiration, we use this element to produce energy, carbon dioxide and water
  1. 1. In the Periodic Table, the horizontal row is called?
  2. 3. In the Periodic Table, the rare earth element is called the .... series
  3. 6. Other name for gold (in Latin)
  4. 7. What element is present in fluorescent lights?
  5. 8. The lightest element in the Periodic Table
  6. 10. The country of Argentina is named after this element
  7. 11. The only non-metal element that can conduct electricity