Elements of Art

  1. 3. a 3-dimensional triangle
  2. 5. a dull surface
  3. 6. areas around, between, or within an artwork
  4. 7. a lightly shiny surface
  5. 9. how something looks or feels
  6. 10. the range of tones from white to black
  7. 13. a very shiny surface
  8. 15. precise shapes, triangles, squares, rectangles
  9. 16. a 3-dimensional square
  10. 17. 2-Dimensional objects
  1. 1. the area of an artwork that is filled with content
  2. 2. 3-Dimensional objects
  3. 4. Space the area of an artwork between the content
  4. 8. free-formed shapes, animals, trees, clouds
  5. 10. the range of light to dark
  6. 11. reflected or absorbed light
  7. 12. marks that span a distance between two points
  8. 14. a 3-dimensional circle