Elements of Art Vocab!

  1. 2. = This represents the wavelengths of white light reflected off objects
  2. 4. Line = Actual or imaginary line in art representing the point at which water or land seems to end and the sky begins
  3. 9. = A surface quality that can be seen or felt - rough, smooth, hard, soft
  4. 12. = The distribution of the visual weight in a composition to achieve a sense of stability
  5. 16. = A 3D shape that expresses length, width and depth
  6. 19. = Arranging the elements of a composition so that they hold together with a sense of completeness
  7. 20. = The brightness or dullness of a hue or color
  8. 24. A value on the black end of the value scale.
  9. 25. Where an object in the foreground is drawn dramatically shorter than it is in real life to show depth
  10. 26. = The part of the composition that catches the viewer's attention, differentiating the more important from less important parts of the piece Contrast = Refers to differences in values, colors, textures, and other elements to achieve emphasis and contrast
  11. 28. = The part of a two-dimensional picture or scene that appears to be farthest away from the viewer, usually nearest the horizon.
  12. 29. Colors = Analogous colors family consisting of greens, blues, and violets
  13. 31. Space of content in a painting of background or blank space
  14. 32. A series of spaces filled with the tints and shades of one color, starting with white or the lightest tint on one end, and gradually changing into the darkest shade or black on the other.
  15. 34. = The repetition of an object or symbol all over the artwork. This may be achieved by the repetition/combination of lines, colors and shapes
  16. 35. = Created when one or more elements of art are use repeatedly to create a feeling of organized movement
  17. 36. Colors = The colors produced by mixing unequal amounts of two primary colors.
  18. 37. = A mark that connects 2 points and is greater in length than in width
  1. 1. Line Drawing = A drawing exercise with a continuous line that never breaks
  2. 3. = A soft and light color — one to which white has been added.
  3. 5. = When one object sits on top and partially hides another object
  4. 6. Colors = Any two colors that are located opposite each other on a color wheel. When mixed together they will tend to subdue the intensities and produce a grayed hue. When placed side by side, they produce optical vibrations.
  5. 7. = The relation between elements and a whole
  6. 8. = The area between and around objects - real ___ is 3D. The feeling/illusion of this can be created in 2D artwork
  7. 10. Colors = Analogous colors family consisting of reds, oranges, and yellows.
  8. 11. Colors = The colors obtained by mixing equal amounts of two primary colors.
  9. 13. Size = Objects in the background appear to be very small, especially the farther away it is
  10. 14. Colors = Any two or more colors that are next to each other on the color wheel and are closely related.
  11. 15. Space of content in a painting of an object or person
  12. 17. = The name of any color as found in its pure state in the spectrum or rainbow, or that aspect of any color.
  13. 18. Eye View = Line of sight/horizon line is above object
  14. 21. Sketch = Small rough sketch of a design
  15. 22. Colors = The colors yellow, red, and blue from which it is possible to mix all the other colors of the spectrum
  16. 23. = A closed line creates this. These are 2D, flat and vary
  17. 27. = The path the viewer's eye takes through the composition
  18. 30. Colors = A color not associated with a hue. Neutral colors include browns, blacks, grays, and whites. A hue can be neutralized by adding some of its complement
  19. 33. A value on the white end on the value scale.