  1. 3. The feeling of visual equality. Can be used in creating compositions.
  2. 4. Used to make certain parts of a design stand out. creates a centre of focus.
  3. 7. refers to the relative size or changes in size.
  4. 8. The path the viewer's eye takes through the design.
  5. 10. Visual arrangement of information according to importance and placement
  6. 13. Chromatic hue, light reflected off objects
  7. 14. The tonal range light or dark of a colour.
  8. 18. the surface quality that can be seen and felt
  9. 19. The physical representation of the spoken word.
  10. 20. repeating an element to create a visual unit
  1. 1. a mark with greater length than width. Thick, Thin, Straight or curved, actual or implied.
  2. 2. The visual arrangement of elements on a page according to location.
  3. 5. The area between & around objects, positive or negative
  4. 6. the use of similar or connected elements more than once.
  5. 9. Three Dimensional having volume length, width & depth
  6. 11. size or number in comparison to other elements
  7. 12. gives a sense of form, weight or depth
  8. 15. The feeling of harmony between all parts of the work. creates a sense of completeness.
  9. 16. The juxtaposition or opposing elements
  10. 17. Can be Geometric or natural free-form