Elijah and the prophets of Baal

  1. 1. Someone who sends a message from God
  2. 6. How long had the drought lasted when Elijah challenged Ahab?
  3. 8. What did God's fire burn up?
  4. 9. Who was the prophet God sent to talk to Ahab?
  5. 10. Who did king Ahab worship?
  6. 11. Something we put before God
  1. 2. How many gods are there? (3 words)
  2. 3. What was the name of the mountain that Elijah challenged th eprophets on?
  3. 4. What was dug around the altar that Elijah built?
  4. 5. What did Elijah pour over the altar?
  5. 7. Who was the king in our Bible lesson today?