Elijah the Prophet

  1. 2. Elijah ran ahead of Ahab's chariot all the way to this place
  2. 5. King's administrator who was still loyal to the Lord
  3. 6. In what way did the Lord appear to Elijah when he reached the mountain of God?
  4. 8. The Lord instructed Elijah to anoint this man to replace him as Prophet
  5. 9. When Elijah asked Elisha what he could do for him before he left him, Elisha replied, "Let me inherit a double portion of your __________."
  6. 13. Where the Lord told Elijah to go to find a widow when the brook went dry
  7. 14. Rebuilt Jericho which cost him two of his sons
  8. 17. The mountain of God
  9. 20. Whose ways did Omri follow when he did evil in the eyes of the Lord?
  10. 22. The woman said to Elijah, "Now I know you are a man of God and the word of the Lord from your mouth is the ____________."
  11. 25. Carried Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind
  12. 27. What did Elijah place on Elisha to demonstrate his desire for him to replace him as the next prophet?
  13. 28. Daughter of Sidonian king and wife of Ahab
  1. 1. Where the Lord told Elijah to go to hide from the king and where ravens would bring him food
  2. 3. Number of false prophets that gathered to pray to Baal at Mount Carmel
  3. 4. City built by Omri the King of Israel
  4. 7. Prophet from Tishbe who told the king of the impending severe drought
  5. 10. Number of stones used by Elijah to build an altar
  6. 11. Most evil king of his time and the son of Omri
  7. 12. She provided food for Elijah and herself and her son
  8. 15. After the Lord answered Elijah's prayer on Mount Carmel, the people declared, "The Lord - He is ______!"
  9. 16. Warned Israel that anyone who rebuilt Jericho would be cursed
  10. 18. Ahab wanted this man's vineyard so he could plant a garden
  11. 19. False god that Ahab began to worship
  12. 20. Elijah was instructed to anoint this man as the new King of Israel
  13. 21. Place where The Lord showed all the false prophets who is the true God
  14. 23. Two men who died in accordance with the curse spoken by Joshua
  15. 24. River that was parted when the cloak of Elijah touched it
  16. 26. Elijah said to the false prophets, "Call on the name of your god, and I will call on the name of the Lord. The god who answers by _________ - he is God!"