Elijah's having a crisis

  1. 3. The things that were broken by earthquake.
  2. 6. Kind of tree that Elijah slept under.
  3. 7. The crime that Elijah had committed.
  4. 8. Number of days that the angel's gifts lasted.
  5. 10. The kinds of thoughts Elijah was having.
  6. 13. What Elijah did before and after his meal.
  1. 1. Condition we must be in to recognize God's likeness
  2. 2. The name of the place to which Elijah goes.
  3. 4. The job of angels, according to Mrs. Eddy
  4. 5. One of the disasters where God is not to be found.
  5. 9. This is what footsteps of thought are doing.
  6. 11. One of the gifts provided by the angel.
  7. 12. Who was trying to do Elijah in?