Elisha - Body Systems

  1. 3. sac that stores urine
  2. 4. muscle that aids with digestion
  3. 7. air sacs of the lungs
  4. 9. controls functions that are voluntary such as speech & movement
  5. 13. moves food to stomach
  6. 15. hair, nails, & skin belong to this system
  7. 16. system that fights diseases
  8. 18. hollow muscular organ
  9. 19. germs, like bacteria, viruses, parasites, & fungi
  10. 22. carries air from larynx to lungs
  11. 23. system that removes waste from the body
  12. 26. middle layer of skin
  13. 27. muscle that includes the skeletal muscle
  14. 28. have 270 bones
  15. 29. membrane that covers & protects the bones
  16. 30. one of the 6 organs in the lymphatic system
  17. 31. determines the gender
  18. 35. metabolism
  19. 36. protects your skin from sun exposure
  1. 1. an involuntary muscle in the muscular system
  2. 2. system that has peripheral & central systems
  3. 5. produces eggs, estrogen
  4. 6. fertilized egg
  5. 8. system that transports fluids back to blood
  6. 10. large blood vessels
  7. 11. system that exchanges oxygen & carbon dioxide
  8. 12. system that breaks down food
  9. 14. lymphatic system is similar to a _____ system in a house
  10. 17. there are _____ main organs in the digestive system
  11. 20. one of the main parts in the Immune system
  12. 21. bundle of nerve fibers wrapped in 3 layers of tissues
  13. 24. filters blood from arteries
  14. 25. watery part of blood that carries nutrients
  15. 32. how many female organs are there in the reproductive system
  16. 33. soft, jelly-like center of bones
  17. 34. master gland controls hormones