Ella's French Vocabulary: 2

  1. 2. Word for “Hot” in French
  2. 3. Verb that means “to give”
  3. 6. Insert the correct verb conjugation of “Pouvoir” in this sentence: Est-ce que je ____ avoir un café, s’il vous plaît?
  4. 8. Insert the correct verb conjugation of ‘Faire’ in this sentence: Il ____ beau.
  5. 10. “Goodnight” in French
  6. 12. Word for “pink” in French.
  7. 15. “Please” in French
  8. 16. Insert the correct verb conjugation of ‘Aller’ in this sentence: Ella ___ à la bibliotheque.
  9. 17. Verb that means ‘to lose’ in French
  10. 18. Word for “far” in french
  1. 1. Word for “left” in French
  2. 3. “You’re Welcome” in French
  3. 4. Word for “Black” in French
  4. 5. Compliment someone’s eyes, using the following sentence: Tu as des beaux ____.
  5. 7. Formal way to say “excuse me” in French.
  6. 9. “A snack” in French
  7. 10. What does the adjective “mauvais” mean in English?
  8. 11. Informal way to say “Hello” in French.
  9. 13. Word for “Cloudy” in French
  10. 14. Insert the correct verb conjugation of “Aimer” in this sentence: Vous ____ la musique Américaine
  11. 16. Verb that means “to come”.