Email and Mobile Marketing

  1. 2. a type of measurement
  2. 7. information that a company sends to its clients
  3. 8. the people who have signed up for permission marketing
  4. 9. clients to send an email campaign
  5. 10. uses GPS to market to specific areas
  6. 12. for example, a tv ad or pop-up
  7. 14. what you want an audience to do
  8. 15. a kind of email marketing that gets people to opt in
  9. 17. a software application designed to run on smartphones and tablets
  10. 18. tactic to build list
  11. 19. what is measured
  1. 1. a type of measurement
  2. 3. a mobile phone that displays internet data
  3. 4. the information in a newsletter, video, or campaign
  4. 5. a type of measurement
  5. 6. tactic to build list
  6. 11. optimizing a mobile web site for better search results
  7. 13. one design fits all
  8. 16. messages sent to a mass audience who haven't opted in
  9. 19. the information you want recieved
  10. 20. box one way to get permission
  11. 21. mobile marketing strategy that uses text messages