Emancipation Proclamation Crossword Puzzle

  1. 6. Slaves could receive this in order to move from the United States. They could make the decision to move to countries such as Liberia.
  2. 8. The number of black volunteers who fought with the Union in the Civil War.
  3. 9. This branch of government enforces our laws.
  4. 10. This was the president who was in office during the Civil War, on the Union side.
  5. 14. This race of people were freed from slavery with the Emancipation Proclamation. Many of them helped fight in the Civil War with the Union.
  6. 15. The month and year when the 13th Amendment was ratified.
  7. 17. Lincoln passed this bill that proposed that all slaves in states or territories should be free.
  8. 19. The name of the war that was started to keep all states in the Union and eventually abolished slavery.
  9. 20. The month and year Lincoln abolished slavery in Washington DC.
  1. 1. Britain continued to buy this popular crop from the Confederate States of America while the Civil War was being fought.
  2. 2. When this bureau was established, it allowed blacks to fight with the Union Army during the Civil War.
  3. 3. The capital of the Union, where slavery was first prohibited.
  4. 4. The month and year that Lincoln prohibited slavery in the Union states and territories.
  5. 5. The month and year that Lincoln prohibited slavery in the rebellious states and territories.
  6. 7. The group of people who were angry about the Emancipation Proclamation, because the Civil War was originally meant to keep the Union together, not to free slaves.
  7. 11. The amendment that was passed that eventually gave slaves their freedom.
  8. 12. An early device that used electric signals to send messages across long distances invented by Samuel Morse.
  9. 13. The advisors of the President who help him make decisions.
  10. 16. The Secretary of the Navy during the time of the Emancipation Proclamation (1862).
  11. 18. The government institution that passed the Emancipation Proclamation that Lincoln proposed.