Emergency Procedures

  1. 5. ...... 'phones are not to be used in a Code Purple
  2. 6. Acronym to follow in an emergency code Red
  3. 8. A code blue is a ....... emergency
  4. 10. ..... where to report after evacuation
  5. 13. Abbreviation for Emergency Scene ContRoller
  6. 14. Code ...... is what the ESC calls to evacuate an area
  7. 16. Emergency colour code for bomb threat
  8. 18. Dial 55 to alert the hospital of an ........
  9. 21. ...... is the name of new fire extinguisher training device
  10. 22. Never hang up the ..... from which you receive a bomb threat
  11. 23. Emergency Code ... is for smoke and/or fire
  12. 24. ...... ...... extinguisher can be used on all fires
  1. 1. A dry powder fire entinguisher is red with a .... band
  2. 2. Following the action plans in emergencies should keep you ....
  3. 3. A .... .... is a door that a fire cannot quickly burn through
  4. 4. The .... Warden takes control of wards in an emergency
  5. 7. Acrocnym to follow in using a fire extinguisher
  6. 9. Each area has an Emergency Procedure ......
  7. 11. ..... where staff report in an emergency
  8. 12. A device that you activate to summon the fire brigade
  9. 15. of code Black emergency for child/infant abduction
  10. 17. Abbreviation for the Emergency Response Team
  11. 19. A code Brown is an ........ emergency
  12. 20. ...... is the colour of the Area Warden's vest
  13. 21. Emergency colour code for personal threat