Emmy Noether

  1. 2. Emmy's father's first name.
  2. 6. Emmy's mother's first name.
  3. 8. The amount of theorems that she proved in 1918.
  4. 11. Who was the main reason why Emmy had to leave Germany?
  5. 12. The difficulty of Emmy's classes she taught.
  6. 14. Part of Emmy's methods.
  7. 16. A part of mathematics that she more or less invented.
  8. 18. What award did she win in 1932?
  9. 21. What was Emmy's dream job?
  10. 23. What was one of the languages Emmy was certified to teach.
  1. 1. A famous female mathematician.
  2. 2. The month Emmy was born in.
  3. 3. What country did she move to in 1933?
  4. 4. The male name she had to initially teach under. (She said this was her name so she could teach)
  5. 5. What was Emmy's talent and passion.
  6. 7. What country was Emmy born in?
  7. 9. Where did Emmy move to before she left Germany.
  8. 10. What University did her father teach at?
  9. 13. What religion did Emmy follow.
  10. 15. She made contributions to our knowledge of ___________.
  11. 17. Emmy's classes were hard but never ______.
  12. 19. What month did she die in?
  13. 20. What did Emmy create. A ______.
  14. 22. Lots of these were named after her.