- 2. A scenario where a train conductor is forced to choose between two bad outcomes, usually involving death
- 6. States that most evil is done by those who don't necessarily decide to be evil
- 8. States that rightness and wrongness are determined by morally relevant particularities of the situation
- 9. States that an action is right if it is in-line with a good character
- 11. States that an action is right if it pursues our own interest, emphasizes personal responsibility
- 13. The preliminary assessment of patients in order to determine the urgency of their need for treatment
- 14. States that an action is right if it shows selfless concern for the interest of others
- 15. An idea that an action is right or wrong according to personal belief, there are no moral facts
- 1. An idea that an action is right or wrong independent of beliefs, suggests that there are universal moral principles
- 3. States that actions are good or bad according to a clear set of rules
- 4. Determines the ethical choice that produces the greatest amount of good for the most people
- 5. Proposed by David Hume that an action is only right if it conforms to positive sentiments
- 7. A psychologist at Stanford University, famous for organizing the Stanford Prison Experiment
- 10. States that the morality of an action is to be judged solely by its consequences
- 12. States that an action is good if it shows that we care about those we have a connection to