
  1. 2. Feeling of satisfaction or accomplishment in one's achievements or possessions
  2. 4. Desire to know or learn something new
  3. 8. Feeling of optimism or belief that things will get better
  4. 10. Feeling of sorrow or unhappiness
  5. 11. Feeling of apprehension or dread in response to a perceived threat
  6. 12. Feeling of disappointment or annoyance when things don't go as planned
  7. 13. Feeling of unease or nervousness about an uncertain outcome
  8. 15. Intense feeling of deep affection or attachment
  9. 17. Feeling of self-consciousness or shame
  10. 18. Emotion characterized by strong feelings of annoyance or displeasure
  11. 19. Feeling of revulsion or repugnance
  12. 20. Feeling of satisfaction or happiness with one's current state
  1. 1. Feeling of thankfulness or appreciation
  2. 3. Feeling of uncertainty or bewilderment when faced with complex or conflicting information.
  3. 5. Feeling of astonishment or amazement at something unexpected
  4. 6. Feeling of isolation or sadness due to a lack of companionship or social interaction
  5. 7. Feeling of happiness and pleasure
  6. 9. Feeling of enthusiasm or eagerness
  7. 14. Feeling of jealousy or resentment towards someone else's success or possessions
  8. 16. Feeling of remorse or responsibility for doing something wrong