
  1. 3. This is a sudden feeling of astonishment or shock. You might feel surprised when something unexpected happens or when you receive a pleasant surprise. It's a mix of emotions that can make you feel wide-eyed and amazed.
  2. 6. This is a feeling of annoyance or dissatisfaction when things don't go as planned or when you encounter obstacles. It's important to find healthy ways to cope with frustration, like taking breaks or seeking help if needed.
  3. 7. This is a feeling of being uninterested or lacking excitement. You might feel bored when you don't have anything engaging to do. It's an opportunity to find new activities or hobbies that can spark your interest.
  4. 9. This is a warm and affectionate feeling towards someone or something. When you're loving, you show care, kindness, and compassion. It's a beautiful emotion that strengthens relationships and brings people closer.
  5. 11. This is a peaceful and relaxed state of mind. When you're calm, you feel at ease and free from stress or anxiety. Taking deep breaths and finding quiet moments can help you achieve a sense of calmness.
  6. 12. This is a feeling of fear or being afraid. You might feel scared when you're in a dangerous or unfamiliar situation. It's important to recognize your fears and seek support to help you overcome them.
  7. 14. This is a feeling of worry or unease about something that is about to happen. You might feel butterflies in your stomach or have sweaty palms when you're nervous. It's normal to feel this way in new or challenging situations.
  8. 16. This is a feeling of self-consciousness or shame when something makes you feel awkward or uncomfortable in front of others. It's important to remember that everyone experiences embarrassment at times and to be kind to yourself.
  9. 17. This is a feeling of envy or resentment when someone has something you want or when you feel threatened by someone else's success. It's important to acknowledge your jealousy and find ways to appreciate your own strengths.
  1. 1. This is a feeling of being uncertain or not understanding something clearly. When you're confused, you might feel a bit lost or puzzled. It's okay to ask questions and seek clarification to clear your confusion.
  2. 2. This is a feeling of satisfaction and pride in something you have accomplished or someone you care about. It's a positive emotion that boosts your confidence and makes you feel good about yourself or others.
  3. 4. This is a feeling of anticipation and enthusiasm. When you're excited, you might have butterflies in your stomach or feel a burst of energy. It often happens when you're looking forward to something fun or new.
  4. 5. This is a feeling of interest and eagerness to learn or explore something new. When you're curious, you have a thirst for knowledge and a desire to discover more about the world around you.
  5. 8. This is a feeling of unhappiness or sorrow. You might feel sad when something makes you upset or when you miss someone or something that you care about. It's okay to express your sadness and seek support from others.
  6. 9. This is a feeling of sadness or isolation when you feel alone or without companionship. It's important to remember that you're not alone in feeling lonely and to reach out to others for support and connection.
  7. 10. This is a feeling of appreciation and thankfulness. When you're grateful, you recognize and value the good things in your life and feel thankful for them. It's a positive emotion that brings happiness and contentment.
  8. 11. This is a feeling of satisfaction and peace. When you're content, you feel happy and at ease with what you have. It's about appreciating the present moment and finding joy in simple pleasures.
  9. 13. This is a strong feeling of displeasure or frustration. You might feel angry when something unfair or upsetting happens. It's important to express your anger in healthy ways, like talking about it or finding constructive solutions.
  10. 15. This is a positive emotion that you feel when something brings you joy, pleasure, or satisfaction. It makes you feel good inside and often comes with a smile on your face.