
  1. 5. Filled with great pleasure and satisfaction; joyfully content.
  2. 6. Extremely angry and incensed; filled with intense rage.
  3. 8. A state of nervousness, restlessness, or heightened excitement.
  4. 9. Extremely angry and outraged; provoked to intense displeasure.
  5. 12. Calm and composed; not easily disturbed or agitated.
  6. 15. Disheveled or disturbed, often referring to one's composure or appearance.
  7. 16. Overjoyed and thrilled; in high spirits.
  8. 18. Filled with intense anger and indignation; extremely offended.
  9. 19. Feeling completely inundated and unable to cope with a situation.
  1. 1. Calm and peaceful, with a gentle and undisturbed surface.
  2. 2. Feeling nervous, restless, or disturbed; in a state of heightened emotion.
  3. 3. Unable to stay still or calm; characterized by a constant desire for change or activity.
  4. 4. The state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
  5. 7. Experiencing extreme tension and pressure; feeling overwhelmed by stress.
  6. 10. Stressed or tense, often due to excessive effort or pressure.
  7. 11. Intense and uncontrollable anger; extreme fury.
  8. 13. Nervous or excited movements, like the rapid beating of wings.
  9. 14. A high degree of pleasure, happiness, or enjoyment.
  10. 17. Full of happiness and delight; characterized by jubilation.