
  1. 3. An unpleasant emotion caused by the perception of danger or threat.
  2. 6. A feeling of envy or resentment toward someone else's possessions, qualities, or success.
  3. 7. A feeling of satisfaction and self-respect for one's achievements or qualities.
  4. 10. A feeling of unhappiness or sorrow, often shown through tears.
  5. 12. A state of satisfaction and happiness with one's current situation.
  6. 13. A sense of responsibility for doing something wrong or causing harm.
  7. 14. A strong feeling of revulsion or extreme dislike.
  8. 15. A deep affection and caring for someone or something.
  1. 1. A self-conscious and uncomfortable feeling in response to a situation or one's actions.
  2. 2. A joyful and positive feeling, often accompanied by a smile.
  3. 4. A sudden and unexpected feeling, often shown through wide eyes and an open mouth.
  4. 5. A state of being emotionally stirred up or thrilled, often with anticipation.
  5. 8. A strong emotion of displeasure or hostility, often accompanied by frustration.
  6. 9. An eagerness to know or learn about something new or unknown.
  7. 11. A state of being bewildered or unclear about something.