
  1. 3. happy and positive
  2. 5. feeling happy and comfortable because nothing is worrying you
  3. 7. full of hope and confidence
  4. 8. extremely good
  5. 9. very unhappy
  6. 13. unhappy and without hope
  7. 15. feeling unhappy because something is not interesting
  8. 16. unusual and unexpected
  1. 1. extremely bad or unpleasant
  2. 2. happy or satisfied
  3. 3. being certain of your abilities
  4. 4. involving lots of parts, in a way that is difficult to understand
  5. 6. feeling guilty or embarrassed about something
  6. 10. a fear of the possible results of a particular situation
  7. 11. not different or special
  8. 12. not willing to give or share things
  9. 14. certain, without any doubts