
  1. 6. sincere; without deceit
  2. 7. doubts; apprehensions
  3. 8. lack of confidence; doubt
  4. 10. an expression of regret for an offense or error
  5. 12. lack of interest; apathy
  6. 13. revenge; punishment
  7. 15. a feeling or expression of compassion for another's grief
  8. 17. courteous respect for another's wish, opinion, or judgment
  9. 19. merriment; happiness
  1. 1. hatred; open hostility
  2. 2. a sudden and strong change in feeling; a feeling of disgust
  3. 3. rejoicing; celebration
  4. 4. lack of feeling; insensitivity
  5. 5. the state of being annoyed; aggravation
  6. 7. fits of gloom or unhappiness
  7. 9. to make afraid or discouraged at the prospect of trouble or danger
  8. 11. a feeling of bitter hurt, anger, or indignation
  9. 14. understanding another's thoughts and feelings
  10. 16. an emotional or mental strain
  11. 18. wild with anger, pain, worry; frenzied