
  1. 1. when you get to do something you like
  2. 4. when you have to give a speech
  3. 7. something you should always be to others
  4. 10. color that expresses nervous or sick
  5. 14. you should do this 30 minutes a day for health
  6. 15. when you don't know its happening
  7. 16. color that expresses sadness
  8. 17. help be there for you and listen
  9. 18. color that express anger
  10. 19. when you watch a scary movie
  1. 2. when you get something taken away
  2. 3. ways to connect with people through technology
  3. 5. when you lose someone you love
  4. 6. stuff you have to complete at home for school
  5. 8. skill anything you do to help feel better
  6. 9. when you need a five minute reset
  7. 11. color that expresses happy
  8. 12. when someone is mean to you or someone else
  9. 13. stay hydrated
  10. 15. putting yourself first