
  1. 3. Feeling surprised
  2. 4. Having done something illegal;Feeling bad for something done
  3. 5. Anxious, easily worried
  4. 8. Aware of others' feelings
  5. 10. Feeling unhappy because you wish you had what others have
  6. 12. Expecting bad things to happen
  7. 14. Having made a firm decision
  8. 15. Feeling annoyed for having no effect
  9. 17. Showing hope
  10. 18. Not sensible;insane
  1. 1. Showing strong feelings of passion
  2. 2. Very sad,without hope
  3. 6. Feeling fear
  4. 7. Expecting good things to happen
  5. 9. Unable to understand
  6. 11. Feeling embarrassed
  7. 13. Having a lot of energy
  8. 16. Determined not to change