
  1. 1. I am too ____ to care who won, I am so cold and I'm coughing
  2. 2. I am in ____, that he won
  3. 3. I am so _____ that he won the lottery, that was so unexpected
  4. 6. I am ______ and modest, I am okay with him winning
  5. 7. I am to ____ to get up and figure out who won
  6. 8. I won the lottery I am so ____
  7. 10. I am so ____ that he won, he deserved it.
  8. 13. I lost the lottery I am ____ of the winner
  9. 15. I don't care about the lottery, I am just so _____ that my corndog fell on the floor
  10. 16. he is sharing the price with everybody, he is so ____
  11. 17. I didn't win, my life is so plain, I am so ____
  12. 18. I am so ____ that he won, he didn't deserve it
  1. 1. I made a bet with my brother, that I would win. I now owe him 20 bucks, but I only have 11, I am so _____ that he will beat me up.
  2. 3. I am so _____ I do not really care who won. Goodnight everyone
  3. 4. I didn't win, and I told everybody I would, I am so ________
  4. 5. I won, but I am too ___ to claim my prize and get in front of the crowd
  5. 9. I am _____ and irritated that he won
  6. 11. I am so _____, my brother thinks I will beat him up for losing a bet
  7. 12. I should've won the lottery, I am so ____
  8. 14. I lost the lottery I am going to cry because I am ___