  1. 3. My dad is gonna be _____ if I don't pass this exam.
  2. 4. My girlfriend feels ____ when I don't remember to call her on night.
  3. 6. My mom is gonna be _______ if I don't arrive home at 10:00 PM.
  4. 9. I feel so ______ when I don't my finish my homeworks.
  5. 11. I feel ________ when I pass the year completely.
  6. 13. I feel ______, when my parents say that they are gonna gift me something.
  7. 14. I feel _____ when my mom makes me cookies.
  8. 15. You feel _____ when you don't understand something.
  1. 1. It's when you feel extremely angry.
  2. 2. Is an emotion where you feel joyful and satisfied with something.
  3. 4. Is an emotion where you feel down and dissapointed about something.
  4. 5. LGBT community feel so ______ for being how they are.
  5. 7. The assassin is feeling ______ because he killed 3 people.
  6. 8. I think I have the flu. I feel _____.
  7. 10. It's when you are free from worry or to be at ease.
  8. 12. My mom will be _________ if she knows that I smoke.
  9. 16. I don't feel any _____ when I watch horror movies.