
  1. 2. show respect to others and recognizes
  2. 6. equal treatment
  3. 8. relaxed and free from stress
  4. 9. free from harm or danger
  5. 13. excepting the outcome of your actions
  6. 14. tendency to be careful and reliable in there actions
  7. 15. attitude of confidence, hopefulness, and positive thinking regarding there actions
  8. 16. problem solving learning from there own experiences
  9. 17. speaking the truth and acting truthful
  1. 1. persistence in completing tasks of varying difficulty
  2. 3. impact on others
  3. 4. controlling emotions and behavior
  4. 5. careful and reliable in there actions
  5. 7. understanding your strengths and limitations
  6. 10. believing in the truth of a person
  7. 11. promote and maintain positive connections with others
  8. 12. add someone or something to a group