
  1. 2. when you do yoga
  2. 4. when you play with your friends
  3. 5. when you have an exam
  4. 9. when the class is not interesting
  5. 10. when you do not like to speak with people
  6. 12. when you sit down on a sofa and feel very good
  7. 13. when you want to sleep
  1. 1. when you want something you friend has
  2. 2. when you don't understand
  3. 3. when you are very very happy
  4. 4. when you want to eat
  5. 6. when you something smells bad
  6. 7. when you trust yourself
  7. 8. when you are angry because you cannot do something
  8. 11. when you are alone at night