
  1. 1. the glass is half full
  2. 4. utter confusion
  3. 6. seeing something beautiful destroyed
  4. 8. used to describe one who has a fixed target
  5. 11. when your sibling just gave you a jumpscare
  6. 13. anxiety or fear that something will happen
  7. 15. the feeling of being full of life
  8. 16. the glass is half empty
  9. 19. watching your friend do something dumb
  10. 20. a hard choice
  1. 2. slow isn't how I move
  2. 3. some times call for these measures
  3. 5. when you feel concerned about something or someone
  4. 7. You're on top of the world
  5. 9. Brave
  6. 10. when the hard work is done
  7. 12. many old people
  8. 14. what you feel about yourself before an exam
  9. 17. not what you wear to see
  10. 18. a gift that is loved