Emporers of Ancient China

  1. 4. To be born in the year of this is very lucky
  2. 6. Qin Shi Huang was buried with an army made of this
  3. 9. This emporer was the longest ruling emporer of China
  4. 10. This mountainous country borders china
  5. 14. a chinese invention for making things go bang
  6. 15. Who united China in 221BCE
  7. 16. chinese number one
  8. 19. the chinese people eat with these
  9. 20. The place where Kublai Khan is from
  10. 21. The Chinese word for emporer
  11. 22. this black and white anima which eats bamboo comes from China
  12. 23. the capital of china
  1. 1. Something Emporer Wu liked
  2. 2. This emporer founded the Ming Dynasty
  3. 3. Feet which are broken and bound are known as:
  4. 5. the chinese built one of these to keep out invaders
  5. 6. This emporer ushered in a golden age of prosperity
  6. 7. This colour is very lucky in china
  7. 8. A Chinese philosopher
  8. 11. The only women to rule china and take the title of emporer
  9. 12. An Emporer can only have one of these
  10. 13. The last emporer of China
  11. 17. the Last Dynasty of China
  12. 18. Most of 7M are born in this year
  13. 21. Emporers have a 'mandate'from this place.