Empower Holiday Trivia 2023

  1. 4. How many days are Diwali's Festival of Lights?
  2. 5. First president to celebrate Hannukkah in the White House
  3. 6. What is the animal for the lunar New Year 2024?
  4. 8. One of the top 3 places to celebrate New Years.
  5. 10. One of the 7 principals celebrated in Kwanzaa (in English)
  6. 11. Santa's first name
  7. 13. In England what holiday is celebrated the day AFTER Christmas?
  1. 1. What happens every year on December 21st?
  2. 2. One of the top Christmas tree producing states.
  3. 3. What was the 1st state to declare Christmas a national holiday?
  4. 7. In what country was the candy cane invented?
  5. 9. Holiday that marks the end of the 12 days of Christmas
  6. 12. How many years old is the average Christmas tree?