- 4. How many days are Diwali's Festival of Lights?
- 5. First president to celebrate Hannukkah in the White House
- 6. What is the animal for the lunar New Year 2024?
- 8. One of the top 3 places to celebrate New Years.
- 10. One of the 7 principals celebrated in Kwanzaa (in English)
- 11. Santa's first name
- 13. In England what holiday is celebrated the day AFTER Christmas?
- 1. What happens every year on December 21st?
- 2. One of the top Christmas tree producing states.
- 3. What was the 1st state to declare Christmas a national holiday?
- 7. In what country was the candy cane invented?
- 9. Holiday that marks the end of the 12 days of Christmas
- 12. How many years old is the average Christmas tree?