EMR Chapter 29: HAZMAT Crossword

  1. 2. Exclusion zone, PPE is necessary, only entered for rescue and treatment of life saving conditions
  2. 7. Inhaled Exposure
  3. 9. Reducing concentration to safe levels (type of decontamination)
  4. 11. Contaminated equipment and material are bagged and stored for transport to be disposed of (decontamination)
  5. 12. Self-contained breathing apparatus
  6. 14. Can compromise Cardiovascular System, Respiratory System, Central Nervous System, Gastrointestinal Tract, or Eyes
  1. 1. PPE required, right outside of hot zone
  2. 3. Topical, Respiratory, Gastrointestinal, Intramuscular, etc
  3. 4. Signs indicating that a hazardous material is in the area
  4. 5. Chemically altering a substance to render it harmless (type of decontamination)
  5. 6. Abnormally rapid heart rhythms (Ventricular Arrhythmia)
  6. 8. Applying a material to absorb contaminants, such as corrosives and liquid chemicals (type of decontamination)
  7. 10. Support and staging decontamination required for entry
  8. 13. A chemical/material that can potentially create a threat to life, safety, or health
  9. 15. Exposure through skin