End of School Year

  1. 4. weather event in the Wizard of Oz
  2. 5. printed publication of news
  3. 7. longest (or shortest) day of the year
  4. 8. the warmest of four seasons
  5. 10. political rally
  6. 12. education after high school
  7. 14. sausage themed summer event
  8. 17. extended period of leisure and recreation
  1. 1. emerge every 17 years
  2. 2. public procession
  3. 3. bioluminescent insects
  4. 6. the month of June, celebrating LGBT
  5. 9. blood eating thieves
  6. 11. blood,_____ and tears
  7. 12. building new structure
  8. 13. publication of yearly activities
  9. 15. ceremony at school's end
  10. 16. done working for life