End of Term Test Revision

  1. 4. Will have the pH of 7
  2. 5. The embryo is implanted into the lining of here
  3. 7. The variable that you change
  4. 10. A ball of cells
  5. 12. Time when physical and emotional changes happen in the body
  6. 14. Will have a pH between 1-6
  7. 15. The time between conception and birth
  8. 18. How light travels
  9. 19. Where the baby receives oxygen and nutrients from the mother.
  10. 20. When the nucleus of a sperm and nucleus of an egg fuse
  1. 1. When physical changes happen in the body
  2. 2. Will have a pH between 8-14
  3. 3. Sperm cells are produced here
  4. 6. Male gamete
  5. 8. How to tell the acidity or alkalinity of a chemical
  6. 9. The variable that you measure
  7. 11. Influences genetics based on our surroundings e.g. skin colour, scarring
  8. 13. Female gamete
  9. 16. Influences genetics based on our parents/family e.g. eye colour
  10. 17. Egg cells are produced here