End of the Revolutionary war

  1. 2. The last battle of the revolutionary war fought in Yorktown, Virginia where the British Army surrendered.
  2. 4. sole control of the supply of a good or service.
  3. 6. the philosophical concept expressing the balance sought in the system of government in the united states
  4. 9. English philosopher from the Enlightenment period; developed the idea of natural rights and the social contract
  5. 10. author of the Common Sense and the reason people fought again for independence
  6. 13. A riot that occurred on march 5, 1770 in the city of Boston when colonists confronted British troops and the troops fired upon and killed several colonists.
  7. 14. British general who surrendered at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781
  1. 1. A series of laws passed by the British in 1774 enacted to punish colonists for the Boston tea party
  2. 3. Commander in chief of the British army during the american revolutionary war
  3. 4. american colonists who were ready to fight at a minute notice; these soldiers fought against the British army at the of Lexington and concord
  4. 5. The political theory that individuals have undeniable basic rights given to them by nature or god.
  5. 7. signed by great Britain and France in 1763 ; ending the French and Indian War
  6. 8. signed by the united states and great Britain in 1783; ended the revolutionary war and acknowledged America's independence
  7. 11. A time of great philosophical thought and scientific invention in Europe, during the Eighteenth Century
  8. 12. a person or group of people, who remain neutral in foreign affairs.