End of the Revolutionary War Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. The massive __________ between Britain and America meant that the British had to wait for their supplies to be shipped across the Atlantic Ocean. It also caused a delay in British military orders.
  2. 9. The American colonists were ______ by their goal of independence, and were motivated by patriots like Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry.
  3. 10. After being surrounded by the Americans on land and the French by sea, the British surrendered at this battle. (The Battle of ________)
  4. 11. After two losses at New York, Britain decided to stick near the _________, where their powerful navy could protect them.
  5. 12. This American commander led an army of untrained soldiers, using strategy to keep the Continental Army from destruction at the hands of the British.
  6. 14. After leading his troops across the Delaware River on Christmas Day, the Continental Army ________ the British, resulting in a much needed American victory.
  1. 1. The British army tried to gain an advantage in the colonies by garnering the support of ______ and Native Americans.
  2. 2. This advantage meant that the American soldiers were familiar with the terrain. It also meant that colonists could communicate through easier methods, like newspapers, pamphlets, and by simply talking.
  3. 4. Something that American soldiers had a lot of, as they had a reason to fight. Many British soldiers lacked this as they were fighting so far from home.
  4. 5. The British army was at a large disadvantage because they were fighting on _______ soil. They were unfamiliar with the terrain and were not used to fighting on such large areas of land.
  5. 6. A common British military strategy was to capture the capital/central area of their enemy. They tried this twice during the Revolutionary War by attempting to take New York; both attempts failed. These battles are known as the Battles of ________.
  6. 7. Angered by their loss to Britain in a previous war, this country signed the Treaty of Alliance with America and agreed to give military support to the colonists.
  7. 8. of Paris This treaty granted the colonies independence from Britain and set the boundaries of the United States of America.
  8. 13. This British general did not take the Revolutionary War seriously at first, causing the British military to waste supplies and funding.