end of the year crossword

  1. 5. music ter that menast to be silent
  2. 7. music term very fast
  3. 9. decrease in loudness
  4. 11. music term that means to return to the orignal tempo
  5. 13. The metric unit between two bars on the staff
  6. 14. an adrupt strong accent that gradually increaces in volume
  7. 16. music term for moderately slow
  8. 19. means to be accompaned by insterment
  9. 21. something a a man wares around his neck
  10. 22. time music term that indicates a time signture of 4/4
  11. 24. music term for a streched or broadened tempo
  12. 25. definition of adagio
  13. 26. definition for lento
  14. 28. A musical instrument with a manual keyboard
  1. 1. Being one half step lower than the corresponding natural key:
  2. 2. music term moderately fast
  3. 3. used to indiicate that all musicians should sing
  4. 4. to add intensity to note usally though incressed volume
  5. 6. music term for livly and fast
  6. 8. breath mark that indicated where singers should breath
  7. 10. printed music on unbound sheets
  8. 12. music term that means little by little
  9. 13. music term suddenly loud
  10. 14. an adrupt or strong accent
  11. 15. music term that indicates time signatur of 2/2
  12. 17. to empphasize a note by dilibratel holding it
  13. 18. majestic
  14. 20. music term that means less
  15. 23. means more
  16. 26. A set of horizontal lines and intermediate spaces
  17. 27. means very slow