End Stage Renal Disease

  1. 6. Term for the process of an immune system attacking a transplanted organ
  2. 7. Leading cause of CKD
  3. 8. Surgical term for removal of a kidney
  4. 10. Decrease in GFR for 3 or more months
  5. 11. Specialty with whom nursing can collaborate with to create a dietary plan
  6. 13. Inflammation of the peritoneal membrane
  7. 14. Less than 50 mL or urine in 24 hours
  8. 15. Buildup of urea in the blood
  1. 1. Structural and functional unit of the kidney
  2. 2. Second leading cause of CKD
  3. 3. Hormone that kidneys secrete that stimulates RBC production in bone marrow
  4. 4. Any substance, medication, or action that destroys kidney tissue
  5. 5. Stage of CKD with the lowest GFR
  6. 9. Movement of solutes from an area of higher concentration to lower concentration
  7. 12. Kidneys convert this vitamin to its active form in order to maintain normal calcium balance in the body