
  1. 2. Released by the Pineal Gland, it regulates the body's internal clock
  2. 3. Chemicals released by glands to maintain homeostasis
  3. 7. "fight or flight" hormone
  4. 9. Physician that specializes in treating the endocrine system
  5. 11. Released by the Pancreas, activates liver cells to release glucose
  6. 12. Disorder causes hyperglycemia due to low levels of insulin
  7. 13. Male gonads
  1. 1. Tool to measure glucose levels in the blood
  2. 4. Organ that helps maintain sugar levels in the body
  3. 5. A disorder caused by a low levels of Human Growth Hormone
  4. 6. Also know as the "Master Gland", releases horses like HGH and TSH
  5. 8. Hormone produced in the ovaries, it controls the menstrual cycle
  6. 10. Female gonads
  7. 11. Iodine was added to salt to help prevent this disorder