  1. 2. Stones, bones, abdominal groans, psychiatric moans
  2. 6. hyperglycemia >600, weakness, confusion, no acidosis, no anion gap
  3. 7. correct thyrotoxicosis by preventing T4/T3 conversion
  4. 12. Thyroid Cancer with low prognosis
  5. 13. stim test that differentiates Primary vs Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency
  6. 14. MOA: increase glucose excretion; SGLT2
  7. 15. correct thyrotoxicosis by preventing T4/T3 conversion
  8. 18. Storm
  9. 19. Tall, gynecomastia, wide hips, small testes
  10. 20. hypoNAtremia, hyperKAlemia, hypoglycemia bronze skin
  11. 22. MOA: Sensitize peripheral tissues to insulin
  1. 1. First line treatment of central diabetes insipidus
  2. 3. Elevated anti-thyroperoxidase and anti-thyroglobulin
  3. 4. S/SX- polyuria, polydipsia, blurred vision, weight loss, parethesia
  4. 5. MOA: suppresses glucagon secretion & stimulates insulin secretion; GLP- agonist
  5. 8. Triad: hypocalcemia, decreased PTH, increased phosphate
  6. 9. MOA: inhibits DPP4 enzyme and prolongs the action of GLP-1
  7. 10. Glucose falls below 50 mg/dL
  8. 11. First line treatment for osteoporosis (Alendronate)
  9. 16. First line treatment for DM 2
  10. 17. hyperglycemia, metabolic acidosis, ketones, hypotension with tachy
  11. 21. S/SX- obese, polyria, polydypsa, neyropathic, CV complications, chronic skin infx