Endocrine 2024

  1. 3. diabetes caused by lack of insulin or insulin resistance
  2. 4. hormone released in response to high blood sugar
  3. 6. a target tissue of growth hormone
  4. 11. suppresses melatonin secretion
  5. 13. increase in the number of receptors on a target cell
  6. 17. cell type that makes glucagon
  7. 18. One hormone cannot exert its full effects without another hormone being present
  8. 19. regulate the function of testes and ovaries
  9. 20. low blood calcium is a ____ stimulus
  10. 21. prevents wide swings in water balance
  11. 22. most hormones are based on these
  12. 23. remove water soluble hormones
  13. 26. the part of the adrenal that releases epinephrine
  14. 27. endocrine glands produce these
  15. 29. carries hormones to target tissues
  16. 32. stimulates childbirth
  17. 33. stimulates the release of ACTH
  18. 37. most hormones are regulated by ___ feedback
  19. 39. the endocrine ___ controls blood sugar
  20. 40. exocrine glands have these
  21. 41. a disease or syndrome of excess glucocorticoids
  22. 42. act within the same tissue
  23. 43. gland that produces melatonin
  1. 1. help the body reduce stress
  2. 2. adrenal layer that makes aldosterone
  3. 5. hormone released in response to low blood sugar
  4. 7. cell type that produces thyroid hormone
  5. 8. One hormone opposes the action of another
  6. 9. part of pituitary that secretes ACTH and TSH
  7. 10. receptor location for water soluble hormones
  8. 12. caused by too much growth hormone in childhood
  9. 14. a symptom of diabetes mellitus but NOT insipidus
  10. 15. main regulator of blood calcium levels
  11. 16. steroid hormones are _____ soluble
  12. 24. exert their effects on the same cells that secrete them
  13. 25. triggers release of thyroid hormone
  14. 28. hormone that affects essentially all body tissues
  15. 30. part of pituitary that is neural tissue
  16. 31. stimulates breast milk production
  17. 34. cell type that makes insulin
  18. 35. two hormones together produce an amplified effect
  19. 36. adrenal layer that makes cortisol
  20. 38. stimulates sodium reabsorption by the kidneys