Endocrine Crossword

  1. 3. Target tissue of TSH
  2. 4. Thyroid hormone T4
  3. 5. Hypersecretion of GH in children
  4. 6. Gland that secretes GnRH
  5. 7. One of the two hormones released from the ovaries
  6. 8. Disease associated with calcitonin
  7. 13. Stimulates uterine contractions
  8. 15. Stimulated by prolactin
  9. 17. Surgical removal of the gonads, procedure associated with high levels of FSH and LH
  10. 20. Beta cells in the pancreas release this hormone
  11. 21. _________ disease results from hypersecretion of ACTH
  1. 1. CRH= ___________ releasing hormone
  2. 2. Results from hypersecretion of insulin
  3. 5. This hormone stimulates protein synthesis in muscle
  4. 9. _________ hormone triggers hormone secretion of estrogen and progesterone in females
  5. 10. Hypersecretion of GH in adults
  6. 11. Hyposecretion of GH results in
  7. 12. One of the two hormones that have an inhibiting hormone
  8. 14. Target tissues for FSH are ovaries and ________
  9. 16. Glucagon is released from these cells in the pancreas
  10. 18. Hyposecretion of ACTH results in ________ disease
  11. 19. Diabetes _______ results from hyposecretion of ADH