Endocrine diseases and disorders/HS 3 Review

  1. 2. enlarged thyroid gland
  2. 4. body cavity superior to thoracic cavity
  3. 9. immunity from being given actual antibodies
  4. 10. inflammation or infection of the lymph nodes
  5. 11. increased BMR, increased appetite, weight loss
  6. 12. oversecreting of GH in an adult
  7. 13. under secretion of somatotropin
  1. 1. life threatening skin disorder
  2. 3. causes blockage of blood vessel when entering an artery or capillary too small for passage
  3. 5. decreased secretion results in diabetes insipidus
  4. 6. treatment consists of oral thyroid hormone
  5. 7. benign tumor
  6. 8. place that cuts body into left and right halves