Endocrine Disorders

  1. 7. Type 2 DM is characterized by insulin ________
  2. 9. Complication of DM with BG > 600 and commonly in Type 2 DM
  3. 10. Temperature in Thyroid Storm
  4. 12. Exopthalmos and goiter are signs of this disorder
  5. 14. Patients with Addison's Disease may have skin that is ______
  6. 16. What you must do in order to take someone off of glucocorticoids to prevent adrenal insufficiency
  7. 18. Excess of Growth Hormone occurring after puberty
  8. 19. High blood sugar in the morning due to cortisol, which can cause hyperglycemia in diabetics
  9. 22. Type 1 Diabetes is an ___________ disorder
  10. 26. A disorder of excess cortisol.
  11. 27. Cushing's can cause this problem in the bones
  12. 28. Extremely low thyroid hormone levels causes this, symptoms including hypothermia and hypotension
  13. 29. Cells that produce insulin
  1. 1. Gland where Thyrotropin releasing Hormone acts on
  2. 2. Stimulates the release of T3 and T4
  3. 3. Type 1 DM complication involving Kussmaul's breathing and dehydration
  4. 4. Thyroid hormones play a role in energy processing and chemical reactions, known as __________.
  5. 5. Macrovascular complication of diabetes involving plaque buildup in vessels
  6. 6. Short stature d/t growth hormone deficiency
  7. 8. Hormone that raises blood glucose
  8. 11. When a patient goes hypoglycemic at night, so they shoot up in blood sugar in the morning to compensate.
  9. 13. Patients with Addison's Disease should carry this in case of emergency
  10. 15. Test checking blood sugar management over the past 3 months
  11. 17. Microvascular complication of diabetes involving vision loss
  12. 20. Disorder of hyperthyroidism with autoimmune origin.
  13. 21. What happens to blood sugar in Cushing's Disease
  14. 23. Signs include hyperthermia, diaphoresis, and high fever
  15. 24. Type 1 Diabetes treatment requires _________.
  16. 25. Sign of Cushings involving swelling of the face