Endocrine hormones

  1. 3. Melatonin is produced in this gland
  2. 5. hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland
  3. 7. the abbreviation of the disorder that is related to abnormal melatonin production
  4. 8. the master gland that tells other glands what to do
  5. 9. cortisol is produced in the adrenal _________gland
  6. 11. the condition of excessive urination
  7. 16. how you might feel if your blood sugar drops
  8. 17. hormone that raises calcium levels
  9. 18. this organ produces digestive enzymes
  10. 19. Type ____ diabetes has resistance to insulin
  11. 20. hormone that inhibits urination
  12. 21. a group of hormones that are made from cholesterol
  13. 22. erythropoietin is produced in this organ
  1. 1. is the kidney hormone that starts the RAAS cascade to raise BP.
  2. 2. hormone that raises blood sugar levels
  3. 4. epinephrine is produced in the adrenal _________gland
  4. 6. the gland that tells the pituitary gland what to do
  5. 10. Type ____ diabetes is an autoimmune disease
  6. 12. hormone that lowers blood sugar levels
  7. 13. diarrhea, high blood pressure & feeling hot are signs of ____thyroidism
  8. 14. weight gain, fatigue & constipation are signs of ______thyroidism
  9. 15. abbreviation for loss of conconsiousness
  10. 19. the abreviations for the two thyroid hormones
  11. 20. Addisons & Cushings disorders are caused by problems with this gland