Endocrine Review Game

  1. 2. Enlargement and overgrowth of bones of the hands, feet, and face
  2. 3. The most common ADH secreting tumor is _________ carcinoma
  3. 5. __________ pituitary stores and secretes vasopressin and oxytocin
  4. 6. secretes inhibitory or stimulatory hormones
  5. 8. DI stands for Diabetes _________
  6. 9. Under active anterior pituitary gland due to tumor/infection/trauma
  7. 10. Low GH results in stunted growth and/or _____
  1. 1. levels are the highest 2-4hr before waking
  2. 4. hyper-secretion of GH and onset before closure of epiphyses
  3. 5. considered the "master" gland of the body
  4. 7. __________ pituitary releases trophic hormones