The Endocrine System

  1. 1. A hormonal disorder that results from the excess production of growth hormone by the pituitary gland
  2. 7. The biological process by which steroid hormones are generated from cholesterol in the body
  3. 8. A metabolic process that converts glycogen to glucose and results in a high blood glucose level
  4. 12. Major absorptive state hormone, enhances glucose uptake via the transport protein GLUT4 in many tissues
  5. 13. Buildup or synthesis of larger organic molecules from small organic molecular subunits
  6. 14. Endocrine gland that secretes Testosterone, AMH, and inhibin
  7. 16. Endocrine gland that secretes insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin
  8. 17. Part of the brain that secretes vasopressin, oxytocin, CRH, TRH, GnRH, and GHRH
  9. 18. Type of hormone that diffuses out of cells as soon as they are synthesized and acts via intracellular receptors that act in the cell nucleus
  10. 20. Endocrine gland that secretes 17 β estradiol, progesterone, and inhibin
  11. 21. Hormone secreted during the body’s “fight or flight” reaction
  12. 23. Extracellular signaling molecule released into the blood and acts at its receptors in distal tissues to elicit a physiological response
  13. 24. Endocrine gland that secretes T4, T3, and Calcitonin
  14. 25. Organ that secretes cholecystokinin, secretin, GLP-1, and GIP
  15. 26. A condition characterized by excessive urination, usually associated with diabetes mellitus
  1. 2. Major post-absorptive state hormone, facilitates the maintenance of fasting blood glucose
  2. 3. Breakdown or degradation of large energy-rich molecules within cells
  3. 4. A metabolic process that converts glucose to glycogen and results in a lower blood glucose level
  4. 5. Hormone produced by the adrenal glands that helps regulate metabolism and stress response
  5. 6. A condition characterized by an abnormally high level of glucose in the blood, commonly associated with defects in insulin secretion and/or insulin action due to diabetes
  6. 9. Hormone that stimulates milk production
  7. 10. Type of hormone that can be stored in secretion vesicles after synthesis, soluble in plasma, and act via receptors in the target cell membrane
  8. 11. Organ that secretes gastrin and somatostatin
  9. 15. Hormone that accelerates bone-building osteoblasts that eventually catch up and seal the epiphyseal growth plate, also plays a crucial role in the regulation of menstrual cycle
  10. 16. Endocrine gland that secretes ACTH, TSH, GH, Prolactin, FSH, and LH
  11. 19. Most common type of hormone, made from short to medium-length chains of amino acids
  12. 22. Endocrine gland that secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine, cortisol, aldosterone, and DHEAS