Endocrine System 2

  1. 1. This hormone stimulates osteoclasts.
  2. 4. Enlarged thyroid gland.
  3. 6. Hyperthyroidism disorder.
  4. 8. Hormone that helps store calcium in bones.
  5. 9. The hormone that helps children sleep.
  6. 14. The endocrine part of the pancreas are the islets of ____.
  7. 16. These glands increase blood calcium ion levels.
  8. 17. Hormone that stores glucose as glycogen.
  9. 18. Controls the metabolic rate - has 4 iodine atoms.
  10. 19. The gland that produces melatonin.
  11. 20. Both an endocrine and exocrine gland.
  1. 2. Calcitonin is produced by this gland.
  2. 3. Epinephrine is produced by the adrenal _____.
  3. 5. I control metabolism with my 3 iodine atoms.
  4. 7. Element necessary to produce thyroxin.
  5. 10. Local hormones that cause inflammation.
  6. 11. Breaks down glycogen to raise blood glucose levels.
  7. 12. The type of diabetes that involves insulin.
  8. 13. Disorder resulting from excessive glucocorticoids.
  9. 15. Cortisol and aldosterone are produced in the adrenal ______.